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* Wireline Trolling For Stripped Bass

image from : saltwateruniversity.comBy Christopher BellOverview. Wireline trolling is a techinique that is used by many thousands of New Englanders every year to catch striped bass, epecially at Block Island. It can be very productive if you know what...
READMORE - * Wireline Trolling For Stripped Bass

* Going Vertical on Current Breaks

image from : ifish.netBy Sam AndersonJigging, still fishing with live bait and casting are the three most popular methods used to fish current breaks. Vertical jigging is the most popular of the three.Veteran jig fisherman develop a "milk run" of the...
READMORE - * Going Vertical on Current Breaks

* This Under Utilized Technique May be One of the Most Successful: Trolling Fly Lines

This Under Utilized Technique May be One of the Most Successful: Trolling Fly LinesAuthor: Craig MumbyThis under rated trolling technique may be one of the most successful…By Craig MumbyIf there is one technique that not many people consider when heading...
READMORE - * This Under Utilized Technique May be One of the Most Successful: Trolling Fly Lines

* How To Go Trolling For Crappie

image from : outdoor.comAuthor: Daniel EggertsenCrappie fishing is a great sport enjoyed by anglers of all ages and skill levels. One of the best methods to use when fishing for crappie is trolling.This is an easy technique to use when crappie fishing...
READMORE - * How To Go Trolling For Crappie

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